Today i went to watch this movie with my pretty cousin/tang jie (paternal side). It was a remarkable and meaningful movie..It was hilarious and laughter non-stop scene going on and on seeing how the female lead 'ayase haruka' trying to imitate human behaviours. She look so different now, i watched before a drama acted by her she was quite big sized and chubby but now her size seem to decrease. And her face look so much prettier and cute..Kawaii Ne! Her facial complexion..Phew! One word- Best! She acted very well in this show. This movie is meaningful because it film out the 'real' and horrifying scene of how earthquake attacked the city. Just in split sec every building collapsed. The director put in alot of effect in the CG[which i thik so cause they can't possible pull down so many buildings] the buildings, the roads crack and see things start falling into the burning 'abyss' where the big crack of the main road was. Just by watching the scenes really made people's tears rolling down the cheek. Life is so unpredictable. Life is very fragile.. Watching the scenes suddenly let me recalled the china Sichuan Tragedy.
I heard from some of my China friends the scene of the earthquake at Sichuan was terrifying. When the team came to rescue childrens & adults removing the debris one by one, parents were looking at 2 sides.One side is hoping the teams will carry out their child and hoping still alive.Another side, was looking at the board of the name lists by rescue team who were writing continuously the name of the deceased they found. It was really very cruel experience. -_-
Anyway!the ending of this movie was not bad too..jus that i can't really accept time machine this storyline.Hehe..^^ 41/2 STARS!
Today i had a very weird encounter '姐妹们'. I parted with my cousin at Outram Park Station. I was travelling to Dhoby Ghaut as i had to change train by the interchange. I was leaning against the glass wall by the corner seat beside the entrance of train cabin. While listening to my songs and smsing, a uncle[ojiisan] around his late 30s walked in at Chinatown station, talked to me. I never hear him, but i sense some one is looking at me so i raised my head while removing one side of my headset and 'ha?' then he smiled and asked me 'Is potong pasir travelling on this mrt route line?do i need to change train?'
i told him i am not very sure and ask him does he know potong pasir is at which mrt track line and the color of the line as used in map as the Legend. He replied he duno. I ask him to turn around and look at the top of the train door jus behind him as there is a map line pasted. I told him 'i never wear spec so i cant see clearly you take a look urself?' then he take a glance and turn back and say 'ya is at this track line so i dun need to change/switch train rite?' i was abit bewildered cause he was saying something very obvious.then i replied 'ya tat's right already is at this line ma so u still change for wat?' Then he smiled and replied 'oh ok..thanks ah!' I see him so friendly i also smiled back 'welcome' then i was back to my phone he asked me question again.But this time was personal, he asked 'are you foreigner?' [i cant understand why does everyone ask me this question?almost everyone..i really wan knock the wall!] i replied 'no, i am singaporean'. 'Oh? isit i thought u are foreigner?',he asked. i smiled and replied'do i look like foreigner?' he said 'ya a bit cos i also foreigner i am from m'sia i thot u aso erm...'then i cant hear him cos the tunnel suddenly veri noisy. then i said 'no la i am singaporean'.I continued to act using my phone trying to avoid him. He asked 'r u going to Potong pasir too?' i answered 'no i switching train at dhoby ghaunt.'jus then i realised the train stop at a station then i cant see clearly which station am i at now and talking to him i never hear the PA system announced which station it was?then he was very friendly and help me check and told me one more station to dhoby ghaunt i replied 'thanks'.He asked me question AGAIN 'u just knock off from work?' i replied'no i was going out with my friends,my attire looked like i went for work?' he answered 'no la, because friday and normally this timing is knock off time aso.' then i said 'oh..cos i not working so i go out with friend loh..i studying now.' he pursued AGAIN 'then your friend dun need to work ah?' [i was like erm..uncle u so free wan find people chat also abit overboard..did my friend work on today isit any related to you or your business?] Ok i thought he is more elderly i tolerate it anyway i getting off soon.'actually is my cousin la she is a teacher then now is sept break ma so can go out with me lo', i answered. Then he 'oh....'. Suddenly! He asked me veri naturally while taking out his hp 'give me your number so i can call you' i was shocked cos i never encounter such thing before face to face. i admit i am abit blur la like sotong then i say 'Arr..my no. is..' then i suddenly remember i have an old no ardy not in use so i give him but i forgotten he will miss call me then my lie will be burst.he reali start to call and ask me did i received the call? then i lied 'havent yet.maybe now is under the tunnel reception low y not you give me urs?' he gave me mine and quickly asked me to call him then i purposely press cancel and say i accidentally press wrong n ask him give mi again. then he ask me 'what is ur name?'then i hesitated n say 'wait ah i save the no 1st' and i ask him for his name..he told me his name is 'Alvin' then i ask again 'ha?' he repeated 'My name is Alvin.'then i say oh ok..then i acted i was saving then he asked mi to call him once again. jus then god save mi i reach the station and i quickly walked out n lied to him say 'i go out 1st later then i miss call you.'he replied 'ok'. Then i quickly walked out and ERASE his no. immediately..I was very very shocked! And frightened by him..REALLY..till my heart beat veri fast.I really really thought he jus plainly finding people to chat with cause i encounter some auntie or uncle a few times jus plainly chatting wif mi..but of cos the age level is older la.[I only encountered asking for my hp no. thru net or friend.]I actually managed to escape from this kind of weird uncle..That was Close!
By: ♀Ling~クルミ♀
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