--Orz --is a cyber language or you can also called it as a emotion created by japanese, origined from japan. This information was provided by my dear friend Sunshine. (^_^)
If you take a closer look you can see a man [or human or any kind of description u like to use?] is kneeling and bowing down it head facing left. It actually expressing "Oh My God?! How could you do this thing to me?!" Although it was a very simple wordings yet it was very amazing and expressed well! It was named as 失意体前屈 which means something like 'dejected/disappointed and knelt down with my upper body bend and bow.' Initially, not many people use this symbol or give it a name. However, it was later being found out and discovered in a cafe with their cushion embroided with these 5 chinese characters. And the trend of using this words/symbol started.But how did this name come from? There is still no answer.
Some common symbol:
orz、Oro、Or2、On_、Otz、OTL、sto、Jto、○ ̄_
orz is still the more prefered or popular used symbol.
It actually means hatred or anger something like this. As time goes by, it also mean disappointed/dejected or helpess. And finally positive definition came about, it means bow or admire, please or i lost!/i am beaten by you! I reali cant stand you!
If u can understand Chinese well why not take a closer look on how the web explain and tell u the background of ---orz---
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