The Reunion 15th Aug

Lunar Month Fifteenth of Eighth Month is a festival or season for chinese to eat mooncake,a day of least to chinese,it was. However, this mooncake festival of current year was not really a reunion year for me..I hope to reunion with my primary school frend cum penpal,but she doesn't have the intention of meeting to reunion with me,this bosom frend. Of cos i knew that just by communicating through letters and wordings was not a real and good way between friends cause only by person to person face to face then the relationship is real and practical.Distances make one perfect. However, if afraid of this relationship will change and may turn bad or worse and escape from reality just by letters and wordings to communicate and keep in touch isit really the best and only way?Future is unpredictable, so we muz try everything we wanted to, just that one feel is worth it and right why should we be afraid of future what will happen?Sometimes, life is a gamble if we are just plainly afraid and be coward in the end we may find out we lose alot of things and let go of many things that we shouldn't. I hate 'regret' this word.Once i made a decision even i knew is wrong or the ending is not i expect or wanted i wouldn't regret.Anyway everything might not be 100% good or bad is the attitude on how you face it i made wrong decisions too cos i am human not god but i wouldn't regret i will learnt from my lesson and remember it by heart as a warning. I missed my big sister cum bosom frend,she went back to her homeland china..i am quite moody recently..but sis yurika is sick zhen anata is busy with her work and her personal life too..i depend on myself to walk out from the moody side.English poor switch channel Channel 8 haha!!!
八月十五中秋节是个快乐的日子吧?!但是这年的中秋对我来说有点伤感。。我突然好想念好想念我的小学同学,她也是我的笔友。我们通信了好多年,自从小六离校会考分开后就一直代信联络,维持这段友谊。我当然知道这种方式不是一种交流与沟通的正确管道。我也尝试想与她见面和这个好久不见的挚友‘重逢’。但是她每次都‘婉拒’应该说是老是撤开话题。我知道她不想破坏这美好的关系,无论怎样《距离产生美》吗。但是我不想因为不知,无法预料的未来而逃避,就是无法确定未来才要做!因为今日不知明日事,如果因为害怕/没勇气而放弃机会是很可惜的!人生有时候就是要博一博,不可能所有的事情都是如我所料,相反的世事常常是事与愿违。但是,我不知道我这位笔友了不了解这个道理?或许她有苦衷,有恐惧也说不定?最近心情不是很好如果有多一个知己在身边支持我、开导我、真是再好不过了!我有一位好大姐兼知己最近刚回中国,我好难过。。她很快就会回来,一个多月就会返新。但是就是难过。。受不了离别的场合与心情。有时会胡思乱想怕是最后一面,近期对生死的感触很深,觉得生命很脆弱,可能想得太多变得悲观/负面逻辑思维.有点'走火入魔' 哈哈!!!姐姐生病不能总是吵她也不能见面,zhen anata 也很忙也有她的私生活。所以都靠自己自愈‘自立自强’!所以这个中秋是个人月不团圆的节日。。
By: ♀Ling~クルミ♀