The Japanese celebrate New Year ’s Day on Jan 1st on the Gregorian Calendar.
In fact, before 1873, Japanese New Year [正月・しょうがつ à syougatsu] followed the Chinese Lunar calendar and celebrated at the beginning of Spring[春・はるàharu].
Just as contemporary Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese New Year are celebrated to this day.
However, in 1873, 5 years after the Meiji Restoration [明治維新,・めいじいしんàmeiji ishin], japan adopted the Gregorian Calendar, so the 1st day of Jan is the official New Year’s Day in modern Japan.
It is considered by most Japanese to be 1 of the most important annual festivals and has been celebrated for centuries with its own unique customs.
They have their Traditional Food-お節料理・おせちりょうり osechi ryouri/osechi
昆布・こんぶ [boiled seaweed]
蒲鉾・かまぼこ [fish cakes]
栗きんとん・くりきんとん [mashed sweet potato & chestnut]
金平牛蒡・きんぴらごぼう [simmered burdock root]
黒豆・くろまめ [black soybeans]
Many of these dishes are sweet, sour, or dried, so they can keep without refrigeration- the culinary traditions date to a time before households had refrigerators, when most stores closed for the holidays.
There are many variations of osechi, some food eaten in 1 region are not eaten in other places (other even banned) on New Year’s Day.
Another popular dish is お雑煮・おぞうに,a soup with omochi[お餅/rice cake] and other ingredients that differ based on various regions of Japan.
Today, sashimi and sushi are often eaten, as well as non-japanese foods.
On the seventh day of January, seven herb rice soup「七草粥。ななくさがゆ」 is prepared, a day known as 人日,literally Human Day.

昆布.konbu --> in soup


By: ♀Ling~クルミ♀
source from yahoo & wikipedia
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