Hokkaido Trip!!! 北海道の観光旅行
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on Wednesday, May 26, 2010
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This bus travelled with us every part of hokkaido trip.
Ah Li Birthday!!! 誕生日のひ
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on Wednesday, April 14, 2010
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Pastor Rony Tan blasts Buddhism
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on Thursday, February 11, 2010
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Recently there is this pastor making some not gd comment on other religions.
Some ppl comment i feel is very great awesome haha!!
If we take a simple analogy of food - if I like lontong, you like kway teow and he likes beef steak, , just because i like lontong doesnt mean I have to make sure everyone likes lontong and nothing else, that those who are anti-lontong are all fools, idiots. Just like lontong satisfy my tastes and hunger, so does kway teow n steak satisfy the taste n hunger of the others. Similarly, different religion satisfy the hunger of spiritual wisdom & happiness of different races the way it suits them.
We therefore cannot run down other religions just because we hold on strongly to ours. As a plurastic society, it is a fact that diversity is our way of life. Recognising this diversity and not merely tolerating your neighhours but accepting and understanding them as they are, recognising them as our fellow human beings sharing the same dream of happiness n harmony in this society, we will develop true bonding and happiness in our hearts. Think of Rojak - all champo but great taste!
that we'll not tolerate religious leaders badmouthing other religions since we'd like to foster inter-religious harmony and understanding in our society?
We shouldn't comment any of the religions. I believe Every Religions has a same belief " We should learn to Respect and accept different cultures and religions in this multi-religious country"
Best Answer i thought haha!!!:
don't think there is a chance for me to be a christian... paradise is too crowded since no one goes to hell..
Some ppl comment i feel is very great awesome haha!!
If we take a simple analogy of food - if I like lontong, you like kway teow and he likes beef steak, , just because i like lontong doesnt mean I have to make sure everyone likes lontong and nothing else, that those who are anti-lontong are all fools, idiots. Just like lontong satisfy my tastes and hunger, so does kway teow n steak satisfy the taste n hunger of the others. Similarly, different religion satisfy the hunger of spiritual wisdom & happiness of different races the way it suits them.
We therefore cannot run down other religions just because we hold on strongly to ours. As a plurastic society, it is a fact that diversity is our way of life. Recognising this diversity and not merely tolerating your neighhours but accepting and understanding them as they are, recognising them as our fellow human beings sharing the same dream of happiness n harmony in this society, we will develop true bonding and happiness in our hearts. Think of Rojak - all champo but great taste!
that we'll not tolerate religious leaders badmouthing other religions since we'd like to foster inter-religious harmony and understanding in our society?
We shouldn't comment any of the religions. I believe Every Religions has a same belief " We should learn to Respect and accept different cultures and religions in this multi-religious country"
Best Answer i thought haha!!!:
don't think there is a chance for me to be a christian... paradise is too crowded since no one goes to hell..
=-=Japan Culture IV=-=
Posted by
on Monday, January 11, 2010
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Japan New Year Cuisine--->>>日本の正月お節
The Japanese celebrate New Year ’s Day on Jan 1st on the Gregorian Calendar.
In fact, before 1873, Japanese New Year [正月・しょうがつ à syougatsu] followed the Chinese Lunar calendar and celebrated at the beginning of Spring[春・はるàharu].
Just as contemporary Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese New Year are celebrated to this day.
However, in 1873, 5 years after the Meiji Restoration [明治維新,・めいじいしんàmeiji ishin], japan adopted the Gregorian Calendar, so the 1st day of Jan is the official New Year’s Day in modern Japan.
It is considered by most Japanese to be 1 of the most important annual festivals and has been celebrated for centuries with its own unique customs.
They have their Traditional Food-お節料理・おせちりょうり osechi ryouri/osechi
昆布・こんぶ [boiled seaweed]
蒲鉾・かまぼこ [fish cakes]
栗きんとん・くりきんとん [mashed sweet potato & chestnut]
金平牛蒡・きんぴらごぼう [simmered burdock root]
黒豆・くろまめ [black soybeans]
Many of these dishes are sweet, sour, or dried, so they can keep without refrigeration- the culinary traditions date to a time before households had refrigerators, when most stores closed for the holidays.
There are many variations of osechi, some food eaten in 1 region are not eaten in other places (other even banned) on New Year’s Day.
Another popular dish is お雑煮・おぞうに,a soup with omochi[お餅/rice cake] and other ingredients that differ based on various regions of Japan.
Today, sashimi and sushi are often eaten, as well as non-japanese foods.
On the seventh day of January, seven herb rice soup「七草粥。ななくさがゆ」 is prepared, a day known as 人日,literally Human Day.

昆布.konbu --> in soup

お雑煮.ozouni (with some vegetables, white radish, carrot, etc)

The Japanese celebrate New Year ’s Day on Jan 1st on the Gregorian Calendar.
In fact, before 1873, Japanese New Year [正月・しょうがつ à syougatsu] followed the Chinese Lunar calendar and celebrated at the beginning of Spring[春・はるàharu].
Just as contemporary Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese New Year are celebrated to this day.
However, in 1873, 5 years after the Meiji Restoration [明治維新,・めいじいしんàmeiji ishin], japan adopted the Gregorian Calendar, so the 1st day of Jan is the official New Year’s Day in modern Japan.
It is considered by most Japanese to be 1 of the most important annual festivals and has been celebrated for centuries with its own unique customs.
They have their Traditional Food-お節料理・おせちりょうり osechi ryouri/osechi
昆布・こんぶ [boiled seaweed]
蒲鉾・かまぼこ [fish cakes]
栗きんとん・くりきんとん [mashed sweet potato & chestnut]
金平牛蒡・きんぴらごぼう [simmered burdock root]
黒豆・くろまめ [black soybeans]
Many of these dishes are sweet, sour, or dried, so they can keep without refrigeration- the culinary traditions date to a time before households had refrigerators, when most stores closed for the holidays.
There are many variations of osechi, some food eaten in 1 region are not eaten in other places (other even banned) on New Year’s Day.
Another popular dish is お雑煮・おぞうに,a soup with omochi[お餅/rice cake] and other ingredients that differ based on various regions of Japan.
Today, sashimi and sushi are often eaten, as well as non-japanese foods.
On the seventh day of January, seven herb rice soup「七草粥。ななくさがゆ」 is prepared, a day known as 人日,literally Human Day.

昆布.konbu --> in soup


By: ♀Ling~クルミ♀
source from yahoo & wikipedia