Birthday celebration on 14/12/2008

This very day is very special to our fren Kurumi...
It's her 21st birthday...
Tanjyoubi o medetou(Happy Birthday)!!!

Happy Family Shoot

Make a wish n ur dreams will come true!

Make A wish, Make a wish~

Key Cake for 21st birthday...The key cake symbolise special meaning for teens turning 21..Do u noe wat does it means?

Best sistaz!
From Left: Zhen, Hui, Ling, Qing and Shan
After the celebration, we continue for our steamboat...
Jus then, our fren Ah fen join us...forget to take some photo of her with us....Oops!
Oh-Oh...Pai sea la... but after that she rush to meet one of our old rush le...
...... To be continued......

I'll be bacK!!