Recently i started watching a new drama by my best idol Fukada Kyouko-深田恭子.
I had already finished episode 3. Maybe it is a habit or style by Japan they always love to have different proverb and moral of story during the ending part. Some words and logic thinking by the character made me understand more about student life. The drama is basically describe normal student life, youngster who encountered some situation whom often happened in real life. eg. Boy girl relationship, pregnancy. Of course there are hilarious scenes in the show which will make you laugh out loud.

せんせい:深田恭子 校長:谷原章介

Episode 1 is introduced the 10 cast (5 boys 5 girls) and school rules and most of the cast personality. Quiet,secretive,passionate all this..1 cute and timid girl named-'Ka na' actually cast away the gang who bullied her and walk forward to join the 9 friends who were same social dance club as her and treated her as true friend. She plucked up her courage because she was very touched as 1 of the guy in the club confessed to her "not without you...in my future love life." “我。。非你不可!”
Episode 2 is another girl who fallen out of love, Ei Ri is her name. Everyone from the gang tried to console her. 'Kazuki' one of the guy said he admitted he admired her courage, no matter what happened to her she always believed in finding her true love!without failed. E ro asked why does guy changed easily and don't love her anymore?
Their teacher Kyouko as - Mai said "为什么男人会花心?嗯。。因为女人想跟同一个男人做100次爱,而男人想跟一百个女人做一次爱。"
Woman wished to make love with the same guy for 100 times.While man wished to make love with 100 woman for 1 time.
Whoa!! quite true! and very gd description, appropriate to apply on those heartless guy.[or vice versa on gal]
Episode 3, Rei had discovered she was pregnant, the child father shirked every responsibility and gave her money to abort it.
Mai told her "想和喜欢的人做爱不是什么坏事,可是身为女生一定要记住是,做爱的同时也会伴随着风险.你们男生也不要只为了欲望而做爱,也要多为女生的身体着想.爱情不是玩,是需要责任的.可能你们觉得玲的事不会发生在自己的身上,但这种想法是错的,这种事可以发生在任何人的身上、不能觉得事不关己。谁也没有资格觉得玲是特例."
Episode 4 Maho, another girl felt that she had lost the meaning of living. She can't fulfiled her dream as a athletic. However, she began to understand and accept a new logic.
By: ♀Ling~クルミ♀
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