What does love mean to us? Yurika & Kurumi

Love to me..Is very simple yet complicated yet difficult yet impossible. My expectation for my ideal parnter is short and simple.
*Most importantly Loyal to our relationship.
*Love me always never change and it never will.
* These 2 criteria are very difficult to fulfil for everyone relationship. That's why i phobia relationship or even marriage.

I am not picky or choosy on his appearances. Normal looking is enough. I don't dream for Bae Yong Jun or Kenichi Matsuyama. Haha
Recently i experience a situation called 'Love is not for those who work hard'

I need to find someone who believe in love to change my views and thinking and trust him and regain confidence in love again..I am waiting but i dun think i will find it.
Love is to compromise. Get along with someone who you never know before for the past 10+ years or in another words never play a role in his/her past before and lived together for a lifetime and love him/her wholeheartedly one and only is a very difficult task. Communication is the critical matter. Woman and Man are Mars & Venus, can never ever understand each other thinking and mindset fully.Who on earth can guarantee love for someone will never change? No one.. If you found it i say you are lucky but don't be too happy too cos universe is ever changing. If you haven't find it, like me have a positive outlook and try finding it. No harm? However i never pinned on high hope. My meimei told me sometime you dun look for it it actually happen, the more you yearn for it wouldn't appear. God like to make fun on people.
Love have no insurance.
Love is not comparison
Love is not everything

By: ♀Ling~クルミ♀ (真爱难寻) for me...maybe "feel" for me is impt(as for long as his appearance look tidy) ;-)
~ to find a gentleman(cos i find nowadays guys are not gentleman at all in public)
~ that can torelate my blurry behaviour
~ responsible , caring towards ppl/elderly
~ someone who love me as who m i but not by my looks
~ someone tt can give me security and guide me along thru the journey of our lifes



Anonymous said...

Its nice pictures posted

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